Copyright © Mälardalens Pelargonvänner.
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- Fair Ellen
- Fair Lee
- Fairfields
- Farmor
- Farringford
- Faye Mary
- Feuerriese
- Fernleaf
- Fiat Enchantress
- Fiat Neon
- Fiat Royale Sport
- Fina Frun
- Fire Dragon
- First Love
- Fir Trees Echo of Pink
- Fir Trees Fantail
- Flaming Kathy
- Flare Path
- Flecks
- Fleurette Micro
- Flirt
- Flower of Spring
- Flower Fairy Berry
- PAC Flower Fairy Berry
- Fortune
- Fragrans
- Fragrans Varigeatum
- Francis Parett
- Frank Headley
- Freachur Beauty
- Freak of Nature
- Frederica
- French Vanilla
- Frensham
- Freshwater
- Frideborg
- Friesdorf
- Fresia
- Frills
- Fringerd Appel
- Fringerd Jer-Rey
- Fringerd Patricia Andrea
- Frou Frou